About Us

Our service area includes Kelowna, West Kelowna, and Peachland.

We’ve been providing our quality services since 2003, in that time we have cleaned more than 1.2 Million windows.

All Star Window Cleaning BBB Business Review

Here are some reasons All Star is the right choice for our customers.


We arrive on time, work efficiently to ensure the job is completed in a timely manner, and pride ourselves on doing a great job. We believe what sets us apart from others is putting in the extra effort and attention to detail. After we have cleaned each window, we thoroughly inspect it to ensure it’s up to our high standards.


Our professionals are proficient in all aspects of window cleaning. They​ use the best equipment, a hefty amount of elbow grease, and strive for the highest quality to achieve a perfect streak free clean every time. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our work. If a customer is unhappy, for any reason we will return promptly to make it right. Please contact us for more information or clarification.

Great Reputation

All Star Window Cleaning has been working in Kelowna, West Kelowna, and Peachland for over twenty years. We have many happy customers who use us year after year. A large percentage of our new clients are referrals. Many customers confide in us that they are happy to have a window cleaning company that they can rely on for quality service every time.


We carry two million contractor’s liability insurance and are covered under WCB, complying with all rules and regulations.

Environmentally Friendly

We do not use any harmful solutions or chemicals.